Sunday, September 7, 2014


People often say that the only reason you have multiple children is because you "forget" how hard it is.  You forget how hard the pregnancy is... you forget how hard the labor is... you forget how hard the newborn period is.  I tend to NOT agree with this theory.  I may not remember the exact feeling of pain or discomfort that comes from any of this, but I remember how I mentally and emotionally responded to all of these things. and work backwards from there to remind myself how it was.  I remember most of these events with each of my kids pretty vividly.  Most women can give you a play by play of their labor.  They remember if their baby was fussy or calm...if they slept a lot or never did.  You remember your emotions that went along with each phase.  Maybe I am trying to give women a little more credit.  I don't think we are a bunch of forgetful, ignorant women who keep getting pregnant because we "forgot" how bad it was.  Or maybe its just me...

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