Thursday, August 25, 2011

Katelyn started 1st grade this week! She was so excited!!! I am going to miss her. She is such a wonderful help and I am sad she will be gone all day, but she will do great!

Katelyn and Joe are in the same class... they have been friends since they were born (basically)...

Where is the sidewalk? Ohh... there isn't one... but I won't go into that! Katelyn is being extra cautious, walking in the gutter.

Ummm... BEAUTIFUL! She looks way too old to be going to first grade! I'll have to buy her a bat to keep the boys away in a few years (or sooner)...maybe one of those mini ones you keep in your car so she can carry it in her backpack.

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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Katelyn cut her hair off! She has been saying she wants to do it for about 2 months, but I wanted her to REALLY think about it before we did it. She wasn't even phased when my MOST AWESOME friend Haley got ready to hack it off. I was having a hard time... Haley asked me if I wanted to sit down... ha ha! Well... Katelyn looks absolutely beautiful, as always. She even had enough hair to donate to locks of love. AMAZING!

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