Wednesday, February 22, 2012

So... cute, sweet, innocent Ethan has started to tell lies. I have read about how this is a developmental milestone because they understand that they CAN tell you something even if it's not true and YOU BELIEVE THEM!
Katelyn never did that.
She is sooo honest; confessing EVERYTHING! Yesterday she came up to me and said," You know yesterday... when you wouldn't let me have a granola bar after dinner? Well.. in my head I said 'You are so MEAN mom.' I'm sorry I said that in my head." She confesses to things like this daily, so to have a child that will flat out lie to my face is a little jarring.
I'll have to figure this one out, I guess.
He does have a terribly guilty face and it is a little funny (kind of).

He also likes to make threats. It's hilarious because he hasn't figured out how to do it properly. Here is one example:
A couple of days ago I said, "If you don't clean up your lunch dishes, then you won't be able to watch Diego for quiet time."
He came back with: "Well I am NEVER going to clean up my dishes so I will NEVER watch Diego again."
He sure showed me!

1 comment:

  1. hahha! silly kiddies! Let me know if you find a solution to the lieing; I'm sure Jax will do that at some point as well. Cute little stinkers. :)
