Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Presidents' Day!

Ethan came home from preschool today with all kinds of interesting facts about George Washington. I asked him if he knew who the president of the United States is today. He said it was Pres. Monson. For half a second I didn't want to correct. Then I explained that present Monson is the president of the church and Pres. Obama is the president of United States. I told him that we follow Pres. Monson...


  1. Cute Blog Brooke! It's nice to see someone else that keeps up with their family blog, i thought I was the only crazy!

  2. Brookie:
    I laughed loudly when I read the last line - we follow Pres. Monson.
    It's comforting to know that there are wonderful people raising the next generation of Republicans. Love the blog - I care. Love, Uncle Bryan
